Hook Heavy

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Mmk, recap of the second show. In planning, at first I had a really crap playlist. Like just uninspired and meh. But then I got more into it and ended up making a playlist that I was really happy with. It even was pseudo-themed... a lot of songs featuring piano, even a few purely instrumental songs. I liked it a lot. BUT it didn't happen. We couldn't get my laptop to hook up to the board etc, because I think the wire was crap or something. But in any case, we didn't realize that until right before I was supposed to start the show, sooo the people before me just kept playing the CD that was in [I believe Sigur Ros], while I ran around the record stash desperately trying to find CDs that I had actually heard of before.. not always an easy task! It was sad, because they didn't have a lot of things that I had wanted to play.

Sooo I went on about 25 minutes late, and just winged it. I was able to keep a few of the sets that I had planned out, others I just threw together. I think it ended up turning out alright, but it was very stressful and I didn't say much other than the song titles, because I was trying to keep the CD players straight and pick songs to play and yeah. Twas interesting.. Oh yeah, and I also got my first call-in... it was a guy named Paul, at 3:34 am, and I couldn't tell whether he was like a maintenance worker or just a random person. Either way, he was Italian, he liked what I was playing, and on his 3rd call [haha], he said "I'm a little drunk, but this is good mood music." Whatever that means. :)

So here's the thrown-together setlist!!

Camping Next To Water - Badly Drawn Boy
Ballad of Big Nothing - Elliott Smith
Godless - The Dandy Warhols
The Outdoor Type - The Lemonheads
A Simple Plan - Pedro The Lion

Seventeen Years - Ratatat
Korobeiniki (Theme to Tetris) - Ozma
El Pico - Ratatat
Landing of Yuri Gagarin - Ozma
Crips - Ratatat
The Business of Getting Down - Ozma

Eleanor Put Your Boots On - Franz Ferdinand
The World Has Turned And Left Me Here - Weezer
Aurora - Foo Fighters
Road Trippin' - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Parallel Universe - Red Hot Chili Peppers

If She Wants Me - Belle & Sebastian
Coast to Coast - Elliott Smith
Indian Summer - Pedro The Lion
Losing Your Mind - The Lemonheads
Only In Dreams - Weezer


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